Ah yes, the dreaded mid-life crisis. That period of emotional turmoil characterized by a strong desire for change, Maybe you're experiencing an empty nest, or going through menopause. As we move through the fifth decade there is an increased awareness of our mortality. We start to wonder, "is this all there is?" But this time of life can be an opportunity to reassess life and step into greater self-awareness and self-love.
One of my favourite sayings is "The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the next best time is now." We can always plant now. New ideas, new habits, new routines, new outlook, plant the seeds of change. It's not easy, but it's necessary.
The purpose of this blog is actually to complete one of my projects at Forest City Toastmasters. The project requires me to post a blog twice a week for a month. Conveniently, I have a blog option on my website so for simplicity sake, that's where it will be. My topics will be geared toward creating health for women over 50.
There are many things we can do to create health and I want this for you. I've learned that we have to save ourselves. Nobody is coming to save us. We have to be proactive and take an active role in our own healing process. If you've tried to get in to your doctor recently or were hoping for an MRI or a diagnosis for your knee pain, you know how frustrating it can be. A lot of our ailments come down to two things:
Too much of something (the bad stuff like chips, pop, alcohol, stress, and TV)
Not enough of something (the good stuff like movements, fiber, nutrients, nature and laughter)
This is not anti-aging. This is about navigating the next couple of decades with resilience and optimism.
Getting old doesn't have to suck. Making small steps forward daily to something in the future is a way to challenge yourself and create meaning in your life. I hope you will join me in this Life After Midlife.